How do I cancel my membership?

Need to cancel your membership? Not a problem! We make the process quick and easy.

If you've purchased one of our Standard Memberships (i.e. our $29.99 30-day membership option or our $79.99 90-day membership option), those memberships do not automatically rebill and expire automatically at the end of the paid-for membership time, so it's not necessary to manually cancel them.

Our Premier Memberships (i.e. our recurring $19.99 monthly membership or our recurring $199.99 annual membership) automatically recur monthly/annually until the rebill for the membership is manually cancelled. You can cancel the rebill for a Premier membership at any time in order to prevent additional payments.

To cancel a Premier Membership:

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Click/tap the circular icon containing three horizontal lines in the upper-right.
  3. Click/tap "Membership & Billing" in the menu below (if you're using a mobile device, tap "Profile & Settings", and then tap "Membership & Billing" below).
  4. Click/tap "Modify Membership" located above the "Payment History" section. 
  5. A window will appear asking if you're sure; click confirm at the bottom to cancel your rebilling membership. (If you cancel a recurring membership, your paid-for time will remain active and your membership won't immediately expire.)

Please note: a recurring membership is not automatically canceled when your listings are removed. Recurring memberships must be manually canceled through your account or by contacting Support.

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