Puppies.com Account Guidelines

Welcome to Puppies.com, where the shared passion for dogs unites breeders and potential owners in a thriving community! These account guidelines have been curated to ensure a seamless and respectful experience for all users. By adhering to these principles, we collectively contribute to building a space where genuine connections flourish and where the well-being of our canine companions takes center stage.

  1. Users must adhere to the site’s Terms of Service and Community Standards
  2. Users may not create new accounts in order to:
    1. Avoid Negative Testimonials received through older accounts. 
    2. Avoid Blocks/Suspensions/Bans placed on older accounts. 
    3. Post duplicate listings in different city/state locations for better coverage. 
    4. Abuse the complimentary three-day trial membership offered to new users. 
  3. Accounts operated by an intermediary or 3rd party will be suspended from using the website. Additionally, accounts that are "shared" or operated by multiple owners will also be suspended from the site, as only one owner per account is allowed. 
  4. Each user of the site must use their own contact information and/or ID documentation within their account: 
    1. The primary email address used in the account must belong to the owner of the dogs advertised through the account.
    2. The phone number used to complete phone verification must belong to the account owner.
    3. Any documentation used to complete ID verification must belong to the account owner. 
  5. Puppies.com is designed for the use of individual breeders. As such, we do not allow pet stores or third-party sellers to advertise on Puppies.com. 
  6. Misuse of the Puppies.com Message Center is prohibited. This includes:
    1. Sending unwanted “Spam” or “Solicitation” messages. The Puppies.com Message Center is meant to be used for Sellers and Buyers to communicate regarding the purchase/sale of puppies. Use of the Message Center for any other purpose (such as advertising shipping/transportation services, commercial goods, or personal businesses unrelated to breeding) is strictly prohibited. 
    2. Sending defamatory, harassing, or threatening messages (or any other message content which violates our Community Standards).
  7. Misuse of photos uploaded to the site (within listings, profiles, or photo attachments included in sent messages) is prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to):
    1. Use of photos which you do not retain ownership of. All photos you upload to the site should be photos that you have personally taken or retain ownership of; we do not permit users to upload/utilize photos which they do not personally own. 
    2. Photos which contain explicit/inappropriate content. 

Please note that the Listing Rules and Account Guidelines outlined above may be subject to change at any time. These Listing Rules and Account Guidelines are meant to provide an overview of the site’s rules and regulations in order to help users utilize Puppies.com as intended. However, the Rules and Guidelines outlined above may not account for every possible circumstance. For more information pertaining to the use of the site, please refer to our Terms of Service and Community Standards. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Support Staff at support@puppies.com.

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