Puppies.com Community Standards
Puppies.com provides the ability to share authentic feedback about sellers - positive or negative. These community standards help you use community features, including testimonials, profile pages, puppy listings, and private chats.
We take the integrity of the Puppies.com community seriously. Any attempt to manipulate community content or features, including by contributing false, misleading, or inauthentic content, is strictly prohibited. If you violate these standards or the Puppies.com Terms of Service, we may restrict your ability to use community features and we may remove content, delist puppy ads, or suspend or terminate your account. If we determine that a Puppies.com account has been used to engage in any form of misconduct, that account may be banned.
We encourage anyone who suspects that content manipulation is taking place or that our standards are being violated in any way to notify us. We investigate concerns and take any appropriate actions.
These guidelines apply to any content (including text, images, video, and links) you submit to Puppies.com and actions you take when using community features. These guidelines also apply to your interactions with other members of the Puppies.com community.
Testimonial Eligibility
To leave a testimonial for a seller, you must have purchased a dog from that seller and the dog must have been listed in an ad on Puppies.com. In defining "purchase," we also include paying a deposit or making any other payment to a seller in anticipation of a purchase. Testimonials can be submitted up to two years after you purchased the dog from the seller.
Additional Guidelines for Testimonials
The following guidelines apply to testimonials in addition to the other guidelines given above:
- If your testimonial is removed or rejected because it does not comply with our community standards, you may resubmit the testimonial one more time. If your testimonial is removed or rejected a second time, you will not be allowed to re-submit it a third time.
- If you are a seller responding to a testimonial, these community standards also apply to your response.
- Only the person who actually purchased a dog through a listing on Puppies.com may leave a testimonial.
- Only one testimonial per purchase. Duplicate testimonials are prohibited.
- It is in Puppies.com’s sole discretion whether any content is in violation of these Community Standards or the Puppies.com Terms of Service.
- We may restrict the ability to submit a testimonial when we detect unusual testimonial behavior, or to maintain the best possible user experience.
Be Helpful and Relevant
The community is intended to provide helpful, relevant listing content to others. Content you submit should be factual (not speculation or opinion) and based on your own personal experience.
Respect Others
In order to maintain a welcoming environment for all users, your participation in the Puppies.com community must always be respectful of others. In particular:
- Don't post content that is libelous, defamatory, harassing, threatening, or inflammatory. For example, don't use obscenities or profanity, and don't express hatred or intolerance for people on the basis of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender or gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, or disability, including by promoting organizations with such views.
- Don't post content that is obscene, pornographic, or lewd, or that contains nudity or sexually explicit images.
- Don't post content that invades others' privacy. For example, don't post other people's phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or other personal information, and don't post links to phishing or other malware sites.
- Don't impersonate other people or organizations or pretend to be someone or something you're not.
- Don't repeatedly send messages or requests to other people.
- Don't engage in name-calling or attack people based on whether you agree with them.
Prohibited Photo Content
In addition to the restrictions above, you may not include contact information as part of your photos. This includes, for example, phone numbers, email addresses, social-media accounts, and web-site addresses.
Infringing Content
Don't post content or interact with other members of the community in a way that infringes the intellectual property or other proprietary rights of others. Only post your own content or content that you have permission to use.
If you suspect a testimonial or other content on Puppies.com violates these standards, please flag the testimonial or contact Puppies.com Customer Service to report such content.
In all cases, your use of the Puppies.com website is governed by the Puppies.com Terms of Service.